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Join Us: Membership Levels & Dues

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(Design compliments of Anne Vandycke)




One corporate representative plus four (4) additional members employed by the same organization
150 500
Includes spouse, partner and/or children
125 300
One person, 35 to 65 years of age
100 225
Non-for-profit organization employee, academic or senior (over 65 years of age)
75 175
Individual under 35 years of age
50 125
Enrolled in a degree program at an institution of higher learning and under 25 years of age
25 50

*Annual dues, which are non-refundable, are based on the calendar year, payable in December for the following year. Members who join after August are in good standing until the following December.

*PayPal allows you to pay via a PayPal account or through PayPal with a credit card. However, if you already have a PayPal account, the card associated with that account can only be processed using the PayPal account. Use another card to pay without signing in to your PalPal account. You may also pay by check: Paris American Club, 1 Minetta STREET, 2E, New York, NY 10012.

Pay Annual Dues below:

Annual Dues Choose Level

You do not have to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card, just click on the Pay by Credit Card box.

Application for Membership & Initiation Fee

The Application for Membership will be co-signed by one member in good standing and considered by the Membership Committee, who may request additional information or a personal meeting. If no objection is voiced within five (5) days, the applicant will be advised of his or her acceptance.

Kindly download the application, complete, save as “your last name” and email to

Pay One-time Initiation Fee below:


Initiation Level

Should you not be interested or able to join us, please consider a donation in any amount to further the goal of promoting French American friendship by making a donation, any amount is appreciated.

Merci beaucoup!


Why Join the Paris American Club?

The Paris American Club brings together citizens of France, America, and other nations who share a passion for France and an interest in fostering the centuries-old Franco-American friendship. Participants in our gatherings and events hail from business and diplomatic circles, the arts and education.

Our activities and purpose preserve a tradition begun in 1777 by Benjamin Franklin’s Sunday Dinners for Americans in Paris. Our predecessor, The France-America Society, was founded in 1912 to make France known and loved in America, and America in France.

Since 1940, the Paris American Club meets to inform and entertain members and their guests with the aim of furthering fellowship and relations between our two nations in all their social, commercial, artistic and intellectual pursuits.

View a video overview of the club:

View the Junior Member Launch video: