Benefits of Membership
Why Join the Paris American Club?
The Paris American Club brings together citizens of France, America, and other nations who share a passion for France and an interest in fostering the centuries-old Franco-American friendship. Participants in our gatherings and events hail from business and diplomatic circles, the arts and education.
Our activities and purpose preserve a tradition begun in 1777 by Benjamin Franklin’s Sunday Dinners for Americans in Paris. Our predecessor, The France-America Society, was founded in 1912 to make France known and loved in America, and America in France.
Since 1940, the Paris American Club meets to inform and entertain members and their guests with the aim of furthering fellowship and relations between our two nations in all their social, commercial, artistic and intellectual pursuits.
We encourage you to apply for membership by completing the Application for Membership and choosing the Membership Level that may be most appropriate for your situation on the Join Us Now page.
- Privileged access and personalized introductions to a stimulating group of French and American professionals from a wide range of sectors
- Members-only access to the online directory
- Opportunity to practice French/English language and learn about French/American culture
- Priority and preferential rates for events, including dinners at the National Arts Club, apéro happy hours, Bastille Day Sail, museum tours, wine tastings…
- Privilege to invite first-time guests at preferred rates to some events
- Vote, sit on committees, and eligibility for election to the board
- The satisfaction of supporting, in a personal way, French American friendship, following in the footsteps of Benjamin Franklin
- After all the Zoom meetings and online group chats, it’s refreshing to interact face-to-face with real people!
Reciprocal Benefits
Many events take place at the National Arts Club on Gramercy Park.
Members are welcome to attend events at the American Club of Paris. They may obtain information regarding the Club’s activities by visiting their website at or calling its Secretary at 33-1-47 23 64 36. The Club’s address is: 4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Club members may avail themselves of the sumptuous facilities of the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris, including the bar, restaurant, indoor swimming pool and fitness center.
A guest membership card, valid for 14 days per year but non-renewable, will be issued by the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée upon presentation of an introductory letter from the Paris American Club.
Please email your request to:
Cercle de l’Union Interalliée
33, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris
Phone: 33 1 42 65 96 00
The Paris American Club is a member of CAFUSA, Le Comité des Associations Francophones de New York, comprised of some 70 French organizations in NYC.
Responsibilities of Membership
Dedicated, active club members are the essential element in the success of any club. A Club Member…